The seven days workshop was sponsored by the Sultanah Kelantan, held at the Muzeum Kelantan. More than twenty participants from all districts of Kelantan were happy to attend and learn embroidery from a young embroider brought all the way from Southern Thailand Ms Habibah. I attended only three classes due to other commitment.
Thank you Ros of Pejabat Tanah Tumpat for including myself in the wonderful course.
askm,actually i'm really interested with sulaman tudung (handmade),i've bought sulaman klasik book by mariam abu bakar but i'm still not satisfied with my skill,then i'm still finding which and where i can get the course that you attend or what ever workshop...can you share any contact number or any suggestion that can help me....tq
Sawadikap Kak Long!
Waalaikumsalam Cempaka,
There are various group/person that conduct such course. You can search internet if you haven't done it yet. I'm in Kuantan and I love to share knowledge and techniques in bead and thread embroidery. If you by any chance in Kuantan call me up. Selamat Berpuasa :)
tq,selamat berpuasa too....
any suggestion website ....
for yr info i'm at kelantan...that why when u told that u've just finished attending that course i'm wah...why i don't know
he.. he.. actually Ros tu my sister in law. Dia yg beritahu the day before, suruh saya balik utk attend that workshop. Mujur cuti merdeka; kami anak beranak pun baliklah ke kelantan (wakaf bharu) malam tu jugak.
Web2 yg saya tengok - ade akademi kat Melaka dan courses anjuran MARA di kl. Sorry not much of a help. Kalau ade ape2 insyaAllah I'll contact you... maybe at your blog! I'm eager to read what Impiana is all about!! :)
Happy blogging.
oh...oh to be honest i'm waiting to yr reply...coz tgh siapkan tudung utk raye....belajar pun sndiri2 teringin nk attend any course whether beading course or what ever .That all my hobby doing embroidery work...impiana is my first try blogging..he..he nak update tak dan masa, coz byk keje nk kena settle,cbuk dgn budak2 nk exam PMR,but i'll try to update impiana.....nice knowing u tq
i'm putting up a post to show my finished tudung from the workshop. tell me what you think ok...
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