Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Fit for a Princess!"

These kurungs are Putri's two little daughters'. Had em done following the kids clothing. So my team worked from scratch - tayloring, tulang belut and beading. The dresses are our traditional kurung dresses, one with the normal pesak and the other as per Kurung Pahang with pesak gantung. The girls are gonna be so cute in these. Glamorous for sure!

The fabric is cotton with simple floral motifs in baby blue. We matched the neck stitching with tulang belut in baby blue. And completed the teluk belanga neckline with pearl buttons. Elaborate baby blue bunga tanjung adorns the girls' dresses. White Japanese glass beads vines roam the borders. Baby blue Japanese sequins and glass beads highlight the edging. Hm.. beautiful. A feast to the eye.

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